AI search engine for your organisation's vast document store

VIDURA effortlessly scans and understands various file formats, processing large document volumes with ease.

It swiftly answers specific questions based on document content, making it an invaluable tool for efficient data analysis and information retrieval in businesses.

Lens that looks at data cube

AskMAI for EAM360 mobile app
powered by VIDURA

Features that
empowers vidura

Versatile document processor

Our document ingestor can understand multiple file formats and effortlessly indexes huge volumes of documents for the AI engine to infer contextually

Total access management

Control who can ask what questions to VIDURA by easy integration to your organisation's IAM system.

Integrate to any user interface

Easily integrate to any web app in your enterprise for the users to login and chat with VIDURA bot to answer questions.

Intuitive dashboard

Understand how VIDURA is used by your employees and the time savings they reap.

Built for enterprises

Highly customisable, quick and easy to integrate with your product.

What our clients are saying!

VIDURA for EAM360 mobile app is enabling field technicians to obtain contextual answers from maintenance manuals. The team invested considerable time in understanding diverse data scenarios and conducted a thorough analysis to identify edge cases and impacts. The solution they delivered was perfect on the first attempt. It was truly impressive.
Arul Varadarajan
Cofounder, EAM360

Pay once,
use forever!

  • Own the code for ultimate customisation
  • Seamless integration and future proof
  • Rapid deployment and integration
  • Supports multiple file formats
  • Simple integration with web and mobile applications